Assessment of User Satisfaction with the Electronic Medical Record System at Phreah Ang Doung Hospital, Cambodia


Electronic Medical Record
Information quality
Healthcare facilities
Preah Ang Duong Hospital
National hospitals
Patient care



Electronic medical records (EMRs) have been implemented in hospitals and clinics worldwide. The purpose of implementing this system was to improve the quality of patient care, reduce medical errors, and provide facilities that not only improve patient safety but also enhance workflows in healthcare facilities. In Cambodia, the government encourages the use of the EMR system. However, linking patient records has remained challenging because of the differences in medical records from hospital to hospital. Preah Ang Duong Hospital is the first national hospital to implement the EMR system, which was launched on June 6, 2019. Therefore, this study assessed users' satisfaction with the Electronic Medical Record System (EMR) at Preah Ang Duong Hospital in 2022.


A cross-sectional study evaluated the satisfaction of 236 health staff members at Preah Ang Duong Hospital using the EMR system. All system, information, and service quality variables were collected using Google Forms from May-June 2023. Data entry and analysis were performed using IBM SPSS version 20. A descriptive analysis was conducted to calculate the percentage of each variable related to participants' characteristics and users' satisfaction with the EMR system quality, information quality, and service quality.


This study showed that among 236 participants, 129 were women (54.7%) and 107 were men (45.3%), most of whom were aged 26-45 years (78.5%). Most were medical doctors (29.2%), and 19.5% were specialized doctors. Most of them were experienced using computers (96.2%). Nevertheless, more than one-fourth of the healthcare providers (25.8%) reported using paper-based records consistently. Overall, users' satisfaction related to system quality was between 86.9% and 93.3%, service quality was between 86.5% and 90.2%, and information quality was between 84.7% and 89%.


This study revealed that the users were highly satisfied with the system, service, and information quality of the EMR system. The use of remaining paper-based records should be discouraged. Before moving to other health facilities, the EMR should be expanded nationwide, primarily implemented first in national hospitals since it could provide healthcare professionals with a complete patient profile that leads to better patient care and positively raises the quality of diagnosis and storing documents over a long period, which would benefit others.